Donate to Winona County Historical Society


The Winona County History Center is a non-profit organization that relies on public support to further the mission of preserving Winona County history. When you donate to WCHC, you help us to retain staff, update exhibits, care for facilities, preserve artifacts, and share local history with the community and its visitors alike. Learn more about what your donation can do:

Support thorough research of exhibit topics and contribute to the overall budget needed to hire professional exhibit contractors, purchase quality exhibit materials, and keep the exhibit hall full of fresh content.

Assist the organization in hiring knowledgeable, educated staff members long-term.

Ensure that artifacts on display can be rotated often and properly cleaned, preserved, stored.

Give an imperative boost to the building and repair funds that keep the building watertight, updated, and sound.

Grow community relationships through programs, events, engagement projects, and classes in state-of-the-art meeting spaces.