History Is Present 2024 Capital Campaign


Our museum building (the historic National Guard Armory) is our biggest artifact, and it needs special care. That’s why we are repairing it and installing upgraded systems for heat, ventilation, and air conditioning that will better preserve our artifacts and keep this building safe and sound.

But that’s not all. Navigating through history can be hard work, and we want to provide exhibits that enable you to grapple with questions, learn from others, and find common ground.



HVAC Upgrades ($1,000,000)

Help us breathe new life into our heating, ventilating and air conditioning system and preserve our artifacts, documents, photographs, and library for generations to come. This upgrade will improve climate control to safeguard our collections from deterioration. The new HVAC system will also reduce operational costs and enhance your comfort and overall experience during your visit.

Museum Repairs ($500,000)

The WCHS museum building is an architectural gem, but as our biggest artifact, it needs special care. Together, we can create a state-of-the-art facility by repairing the armory’s unique historical features and architecture. Repairs will be imperative to fostering community engagement and creating a versatile exhibit area for students, local residents, and visiting guests.

Exhibit Updates ($750,000)

To engage and educate our visitors, we much keep our exhibits fresh and up-to-date. Help us revitalize our exhibits and connect our past to our future!

Create Interactive Exhibits: Make history come alive with hands-on displays.

Enhance Accessibility: Make our exhibits more accessible to all members of our community.

Showcase Local History: Highlight the diverse stories and themes of our county.