On Exhibit

Winona County Historical Society Exhibits Update


Free Museum Day

October 31 @ 10:00 am - 4:00 pm


The Joy of the Arts: Winona Lake Park Bandshell

Winona’s musicians had a problem. Where, oh where, should they play?

Early in 1915, the Winona Association of Commerce approached George Colburn and asked him to be the founding director of the new Winona Municipal Band. Within five weeks, George organized a band that presented its first concert at Levee Park. The concert, however, was a disappointment. The music did not carry far due to noises in the park area. This situation started the nine-year journey to build a bandshell.

In spring 1923, the Park Board hired Edwin Clark to design the bandshell. It is now one of the few, if not the only, surviving bandshells of its style. The Winona Municipal Band presented its first regular summer concert there on June 25, 1924. The Winona Republican-Herald newspaper observed that “public enjoyment of the concert was increased by the acoustic effects created by the new shell.”

Winona Lake Park Bandshell image from Winona County Historical Society archival collections

Stories in Structures: How Buildings Tell Us About Ourselves

Buildings have stories. These stories are about us.

How does a place get to look the way it does? Why are some buildings built? Why are some torn down and others preserved? Explore these notions in the newest exhibit at the Winona County History Center! Buildings reflect our identities, our choices, and our values. They reflect our hopes and dreams. Some buildings make us stop and gape. Others are so familiar we hardly notice them when passing. Some buildings inspire passionate feelings that lead to conflict or compromise.

Stories in Structures Exhibit in the Winona County History Center

Winona in Panorama Photography Collection

A picture is worth a thousand words…and these are BIG pictures. In 1912 or 1913, an unidentified photographer captured the panoramic images featured in this exhibit on glass plate negatives measuring 8” x 20” – actual panoramas! High quality scans directly from these negatives produced huge images of Winona in HD clarity. Some of the prints on exhibit are eight feet long. In addition, explore a story map that focuses on the details of the places shown in an image of Winona’s Levee Park and downtown in 1912.

This exhibit is located on Level B of the History Center.

Winona County Historical Society image of Winona riverfront in panoramic

History Is



Respectful Representation

Transformative Storytelling

Inclusive Collaboration

Responsible Stewardship

Artistic rendering of Winona County History Center Exhibits Hall

Winona County Historical Society Capital Campaign 2024

Together, we will build a cultural destination that not only stimulates economic growth but also provides a space where people of all backgrounds come together to celebrate the diverse tapestry of the human past. We invite you to join us on this remarkable journey towards a brighter and more inspired future.